See and do
See and do

Come out to play at Kielder

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A destination for adventurers, discoverers, and explorers, Kielder is a place of variety and wonderful contradictions.

It is remote and tranquil, yet it can be a hive of activity. It can be a wild experience or a relaxing moment of calm.


There is so much variety, so many things to see and do and so much to experience within our breathtaking landscape and under our big skies.


By day, Kielder boasts a range of activities including scenic walks, enjoyable cycle rides, thrilling mountain biking, spotting the abundant and varied wildlife or just taking in the magnificent views. Kielder is also home to a unique collection of contemporary visual artworks, located at sites around the lake and in the forest, which will surprise, involve, cause intrigue and provoke discussion.


When the sun goes down, the wonders of England’s largest Dark Skies Park takes over, clouds permitting. Northumberland International Dark Sky Park, one of the largest expanses of protected night sky in Europe. Awarded gold tier designation, Kielder is officially the best place in England to view the heavens. The park has several Dark Sky Discovery Sites and the jewel in the astronomical crown, Kielder Observatory which is located on a hill above Kielder village. Here you can learn about the night sky and use powerful telescopes, meet experienced astronomers, and experience celestial events throughout the year.


Many activities and experiences are freely available, but some require pre-booking. For more details contact or call into one of the main visitor information centres at Tower Knowe, Kielder Waterside or Kielder Castle where a member of the team will be pleased to help with suggestions, maps and guides.


Kielder Observatory sessions are very popular so should be booked well in advance.

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